
Posts Tagged ‘Arashi no shukudai’

(icons credit: shaneen@livejournal)

I’m depressed.. really depressed.. Arashi no shukudai-kun will stop broadcasting at the end of march onwards. Although its because they’ll have a new program on Saturdays 10pm i think starting April. *sigh* I still really love shukudai-kun alot.. It was the 1st variety program that got me hooked on forever.. The silly Ai-Land, all the silly and stupid games that made Arashi look like a fool but made us all laugh so much.. *sigh* Just feel like its a waste.. So many classic moments have come out from this show.. *SIGH* really sad man…. i wonder what other programs will let them do extreme silly things.

Anyway here’s the official announcement:

Source: Tokyograph

“Arashi no Shukudai-kun” to end in March
Sat, February 6, 2010 (5:56pm EST)
With the popular boy band Arashi getting another prime time show this spring, NTV has decided to end the group’s late night show “Arashi no Shukudai-kun.” The network announced that the final episode will air on March 22.

“Arashi no Shukudai-kun” has been on the air since October 2006, and has received high ratings despite its time slot.

Source: NTV

Source: Tokyograph

Another prime time show for Arashi
Fri, January 29, 2010 (6:45am EST)
NTV has confirmed that popular group Arashi will have a new prime time show starting this spring. Tentatively titled “Arashi ni Shiyagare,” the show will occupy the Saturday 10:00pm time slot left open by “Enta no Kamisama,” which is ending in March.

The program is described as an improvised entertainment variety show. Each episode will feature a guest celebrity, but the members of Arashi will not be told in advance who the guest is nor what the guest will be doing on the show.

It appears that the main segment of the show will have a different guest each week to teach the Arashi members an entertainment skill in various fields, including comedy, rakugo, and kabuki. Called “The Set,” this segment will take place on various “sets,” such as a theater or kabuki stage.

“Arashi ni Shiyagare” premieres in April. Arashi already hosts two other shows during prime time.

Source: NTV

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